Today we’re going to talk about how to find a new place on Earth, how to overcome imposter syndrome and how not to be fooled at bootcamp. Will I be able to fit three big topics into one summary? Of course!
1. Best countries for programmers
There is a looooot of talk in our industry about remote working, but very little about which countries are the easiest to find the right project for your specialisation. It’s time to change that, because although the world is a global village, the IT market looks a little different in every country.
I present a tool prepared by Work Hunty that will make you feel like you’re in a geography lesson (but more practical this time). When you click on the link, you will see a list of 13 programming languages, with a map of job vacancies for each of them. So you can check which countries most need people who know what JavaScript, Python, TypeScript or Scala is.

Exploring maps will be a very positive experience for Backend Developers. For example, if you’re into Java, you will find… several hundred thousand vacancies. The same is for C++ or Python, although there is less demand for Python specialists in China than in Germany. Interesting! But let’s not get into a frenzy of big numbers, because Work Hunty helps to delve into niches such as Kotlin or Swift.
Remember, once you’ve found a new direction in the world for you, you can check out remote jobs on the Vived app that match your interests and experience. Don’t make your decision hastily.
After all, as the old saying goes: “The grass is always greener on the other side”. We can’t guarantee that working in PHP for a company in Venezuela will be a delight for you. And it’s not just about time zones…

2. Overcome imposter syndrome
What attributes should a programmer have? You will probably answer that openness to new knowledge, the ability to work in a team, perceptiveness and a few others. I’ll add one more that we often forget about. It is about self-confidence.
Being aware of your strengths is something you need absolutely every day.
Luis Minvielle makes an excellent point in one of his articles. It turns out that, especially in Western European countries, programmers tend to underestimate their rates, and expect to earn less than companies are willing to pay them. Where does this modesty come from? Among other things, from the imposter syndrome, which is compounded by the need to develop quickly. As a consequence, everyone feels that they do not know as much as they should. When this is compounded by the fear of competition in the form of outsourcing, recession and other factors, we have a ready recipe for lower wages.

And what’s the recipe for boosting confidence in your skills? First and foremost, review industry reports to know the current salary levels for your position. Enjoy the successes. Demand feedback and talk to experts in your industry. Also note that companies are willing to negotiate ‘upwards’ when you have more experience than expected or when you apply for a high position in your country.
Remote working is fine, but it is ‘local talent’ that takes priority. Unfortunately or fortunately? It depends.

3. Single mum sues bootcamp
Sometimes it can be the case that chasing the dream of working in IT ends badly. Such was the story of Emily Bruner from the United States, who is a single mother and decided to try her luck as a programmer.
She started to realise these plans with a 12-month bootcamp at Lambda School worth $30,000. However, she didn’t have enough money, so she signed a revenue-sharing agreement with the provider. This is simply another form of student loan, in which the debt is repaid once a job is found. According to the contract, if Bruner’s earnings as a programmer exceed $50,000 per year, she will donate 17% of her income to the programming course provider for two years.
The problem was that Bruner (like thousands of others around the world) couldn’t find a job after bootcamp – according to employers, she didn’t have the right skills to become a developer, despite taking the course.
The case ended in a lawsuit against the organiser, Lambda School. Bruner feels she was misled, both in terms of educational outcomes and the terms of repayment. Additionally, she said that Lambda School did not have a permit from the state authorities to operate.

The story I described has sparked a heated discussion on Reddit with dozen opinions about bootcamps. I particularly liked the comment by user lookmeat:
Bootcamps have their benefit and advantages, but they’re more of an electric bike then a motorcycle: it can get you there, but you gotta put some work beyond just having it.
I think this is the quintessence. Leaving aside the careful reading of contracts – bootcamp is not everything. Extra effort ‘after hours’ and patience in the job search also counts. It is a shame that few organisers mention this. Well, slogans like “Become a programmer in 3 months” sell better.