December is coming with Advent of Code – our favourite programming event! We warmly invite you to join us. Let’s solve puzzles in our Facebook group, and compare results in the Vived Leaderboard. Of course, the best participants will receive gifts from us!
What is Advent of Code all about?
A brief explanation for the uninitiated. Advent of Code is an event that runs from 1st to 25th December and involves solving a programming puzzle every day. The tasks are published on the event website and each participant receives stars and ranking points for completing them. The number of points depends on how quickly the puzzle was solved (compared to other users).

Sounds good to me! How do I sign up?
Join our group on Facebook today, where we’ll be thinking about solutions together, sharing tips, and… post some memes. You are also invited to the private Leaderboard where you will face Vived’s team members, readers, and users. We will award the top three players in our ranking. It’s going to be one of the most exciting Advents ever! 😉
👩👩👧👧 Facebook Group
📈 Vived’s Leaderboard (join code: 2276325-be92402e)

Why is it worth taking part?
Advent of Code is a great opportunity to test your skills, meet programmers from all over the world, and have fun. We can assure you that the event is accompanied by an excellent atmosphere. Every year, participants surprise others with their solutions and have interesting discussions on social media. There are even madmen who solve puzzles in Emoji Code (see here), Excel (see here), or on paper (see here).

Do I need to prepare in any way?
If you want to become a global ranking leader, well… the best thing to do would be to take some days off and devote yourself to Advent of Code only. Each successive task is slightly more difficult than the previous one, so it can sometimes take a really long time to find the solution.
On the other hand, if you just want to learn something new and feel the thrill, no worries! You can always use the tips published on a regular basis from our Facebook group, Reddit or Twitter to take things a step further. The Leaderboard is just an add-on. The most important thing is to learn, collaborate and enjoy the event.